Mt Bodaiji (菩提寺山)

Extra information:

The trail described in this video isn’t well used between signposts 2 and 7. One safer alternative would be to take what I call the “adventure course” up to the Buddhist pagoda rock carvings and then retrace your steps back to signpost 2 and then continue up the well-maintained main trail to the right pointing to signpost 9.

It should take 2 – 3 hours to do the hike (longer if you take it slow and have lots of breaks). After you reach the forest road at the bottom of the loop, continue straight past the elementary school and then meander back toward the station. Instead of crossing the same bridge on the approach, you might want to head down to the 7-11 and cross over the smaller bridge further east. Just use Google Maps on your phone to navigate your way back to the train station. There’s only about 1 train an hour, so take a photo of the train schedule at the station before you start your hike.

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